By default, CS2 only allows you to send chat messages to the enemy team. But if you were looking for a way to talk to the enemy team through voice chat, then you’re at the right place. To help you talk to both teams while in a CS2 match, here’s a complete explanation of how to let both teams have the same voice chat in CS2.
Letting Both Teams Have Same Voice Chat
Letting both teams have the same voice chat in CS2 is a bit of a complicated process. You first need to find the server.cfg file by going to the “SteamLibrary > steamapps > common >Counter-Strike Global Offensive > game > csgo > cfg” file location. After that, open the server.cfg file with the notepad application and enter the all-team voice chat commands.
Finally, save the file, start your private server, and have fun chatting with both teams. If everything seems complicated, here are step-by-step instructions, showing you exactly how to do it.
Step 1: Open File Explorer and go to this location: SteamLibrary > steamapps > common >Counter-Strike Global Offensive > game > csgo > cfg
Step 2: Find or create the server.cfg file, and open it with the notepad.
Step 3: Enter the following commands inside the server.cfg notepad and save it:
sv_alltalk “true”
sv_full_alltalk “true”
sv_deadtalk “true”
Step 4: Start a private server and enjoy voice chat with both teams.
There you have it, folks. Now, you can chat with both teams while playing a match of CS2. However, keep in mind that the commands you have to enter may vary depending on several factors. Plus, you can only do this in private lobbies, not in a public match with proper matchmaking.