Add Listing

Add your website to the CS2 Pulse Directory to reach a wider audience within the CS2 community. By submitting your listing, you enhance your visibility and connect with more players who are looking for trusted resources. Fill out the form below to get started and become a part of the CS2 Pulse network.

Pricing Explained

Listing your website on the CS2 Pulse Directory costs $99 per year. This fee ensures your site is featured among trusted resources for the CS2 community. For additional exposure options and custom promotional opportunities, please contact us directly to discuss further details and pricing. We are committed to helping you maximize your visibility and reach within the CS2 community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost to list my website on the CS2 Pulse Directory?

The cost to list your website on our directory is $99 per year.

The $99 annual fee includes a standard listing in the CS2 Pulse Directory, ensuring your site is featured among trusted resources for the CS2 community.

Yes, additional exposure options are available. For more information and custom promotional opportunities, please contact us directly to discuss further details and pricing.

We accept payments via PayPal. Payment details will be provided upon submission of your listing.

For more information about listing options and custom exposure packages, please contact us directly by filing our form above. Our team is ready to assist you with any questions you may have.