CS2 Anubis Bridge From Ruins Flashbang

Anubis Flash Bangs

Learn how to throw a flashbang from Ruins to Bridge on Anubis. This technique will help you refine your strategy and gain an upper hand in your matches.

CS2 Anubis Bridge From Ruins Flashbang Tutorial

Learn How to Flash Bridge from Ruins on Anubis

On the other hand, if you’re a Terrorist and are trying to take Mid-Control, there’s a strong chance the CTs are already there, holding angles toward the Bridge entrance. Use this flashbang lineup to push those CTs back so you and your team can move forward. Start by standing at the edge of the stairs in the Ruins area, as shown below, aim at the upper right tip of the brick structure, also as shown below, and do a left-click throw.

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The Ruins to Bridge flashbang on Anubis is a valuable tactic to refine your strategy and gameplay. For more Anubis flashbangs, check this page.


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