Privacy Policy

At CS2 Pulse, operated by Projects 365, MB, legal entity number 305585920, registered address at Labdarių g. 6A-18, LT-01120 Vilnius, Lithuania (hereinafter “CS2 Pulse,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), our goal is to offer you the best resources and coaching for Counter-Strike 2. To understand how we handle the processing of personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

By visiting and interacting with our website, you are deemed to have accepted to be bound by our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us via our Contact form.

If You Use Our Contact Forms

If you use our contact forms, we will process the name and email address you have provided. We process these pieces of data based on our legitimate interest to get in touch with you and/or based on some other lawful grounds, when applicable. When you make a comment on our stories, we process your IP address as well. We do that based on our legitimate interest to ensure that a comment comes from a legitimate visitor.

Newsletter Option

If you choose to use our Newsletter option, we may process your email address so that you can receive our updates twice a week directly to your inbox. We do this based on the consent you expressed by subscribing to our newsletter. You can withdraw your consent via our Contact form or the unsubscribe button at the bottom of our emails.

Cookies and Related Technologies

Cookies, pixels, and other similar technologies are typically small text or image files that are placed on your device when you visit our website. The utilization of such technologies is standard on the Internet. You have the option to accept or block cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Additionally, you can choose to delete cookies. All major browsers provide users with the ability to customize their cookie settings.

We mostly use and manage the following types of third-party cookies:

  • Essential Cookies: These help make our website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
  • Statistical Cookies: These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with the website by collecting and reporting information anonymously.
  • Marketing Cookies: The intention of using these cookies is to display information that is relevant and engaging for the individual user.

Our website may collect access logs (e.g., IP address, browser used, etc.) as well. We use this data to prevent cyber attacks, based on our legitimate interests in information security. At the moment, our website does not respond to Do-not-track signals because no such standard has been adopted yet.

We might process your personal data with the intent to offer the best quality of CS2 Pulse content, i.e., by adjusting our website to your device as well as offering the content fit to you and similar.

Data Retention Period

We may store the data for as long as it is reasonably necessary to ensure we comply with legal requirements (e.g., requirements of record keeping) and/or to establish a legal claim or defend ourselves from one.

Data Transfers and Safeguards

We use some third-party service providers (such as email, website analytics, and other information and communication technology services) for processing your personal data. They can access the data only as much as is needed for the provision of the services. We also ensure that transfers of such data to a third country or an international organization are subject to appropriate safeguards.

We may disclose your personal data to a law enforcement agency, government authority, or other organization if we are required to do so to meet our legal obligations, or otherwise to protect our rights or the rights of anyone else.

We use social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) sharing functions. Such social media widgets may collect certain information (e.g., your IP address or the type of device you are using) and transmit it to the respective social media organizations. For more information on how these organizations use personal data, please read their privacy policies. Here, we act based on our legitimate interests to share our knowledge and be visible in the market.

Your Data Protection and Privacy Rights

You have the right to know the type of personal data we process about you and can request updates, deletions, or cessation of processing regarding the information we hold. Please be aware that certain circumstances, such as operational, legal, and business reasons, may prevent the complete erasure or cessation of processing of your information. If you have given us consent to use your personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time.

If you wish to exercise your data protection rights, please contact us through our Contact form. While you also have the right to approach your local data protection authority, we encourage you to reach out to us initially. We believe that by working together, we can address and resolve any concerns or issues you may have regarding your personal data.

Keeping Your Data Safe

We take information security seriously and put a great effort into ensuring the information we hold on you remains safe. We limit who has access to your information and ensure that those who do are bound by contracts to keep your information available, restricted, and safe.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Even though we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted through any online means; therefore, any transmission remains at your own risk.

External Links

Our website may contain links to and from other websites. These websites have their own privacy notices and/or terms of service. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for these external websites. Please make sure to check the above-mentioned documents before submitting any personal data to these websites.

Individuals Under Age of 14

We do not intentionally or knowingly process personal information from individuals under the age of 14. If we become aware that we have inadvertently collected details from individuals in this age group, we will make every effort to promptly delete such information upon notification.

Other Terms

The governing laws shall be the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically, which may be prompted by changes in the law, best practices, or modifications to our services. The revised Privacy Policy will become effective upon its posting. Therefore, it is advisable to check this page regularly for any updates.