CS2 Train Decoys

Train Decoys

One of the most overlooked strategies in CS2 is baiting. What most players don’t know is that it can be an effective strategy against even the most experienced players if done right, and the best way to do that is using decoy grenades in the complete opposite plant site you plan to take control of. To help you with that, here are some of the best decoy lineups you can use on the map Train.

Best CS2 Train Decoy Lineups

A Camera From T Spawn

Throwing a decoy grenade in the Camera area is a great way to bait the Counter-Terrorists into thinking that you are planning to plant on the A Site. To throw one at that spot, stand next to the yellow pole in the T Spawn area using the image below as reference, aim at the edge of the roof in front of you as shown in the image below, and do a jump-throw.

B Backsite From Overpass

Here’s a sneaky decoy lineup you can use if you are in the Overpass area and want to bait the other team into thinking that you are pushing toward the B Backsite area. Start by standing in the spot shown in the image below and aim at the window above you towards the left. After that, align your crosshair at the lower left portion of the window using the images below as a reference and do a left-click throw.

A Red Cross From Crossings

This decoy lineup is a great way to bait the Counter-Terrorists into thinking that you’ve already taken control of the A Site as it lands on the A Red Cross area. To throw it, start by standing in the corner of the green train and the rusted train in the Crossings area. After that, aim at the center part of the yellow metal container in front of you, as shown in the image below. Finally, do a jump-throw.

Pop Dog From Crossings

If you think that the lineup above would be too obvious to be able to successfully bait the enemy team, then you can use this lineup that lands in the Pop Dog area. Start by standing in the same spot from the lineup above, and after that, instead of aiming at the yellow container, aim at the bottom center part of the green square on the blue wall behind the yellow container, following the images below. After that, do a jump-throw.

A Red From B Halls

If you are planning on a fast push and have already made your way toward the B Halls area, you should use this decoy lineup to confuse the Counter-Terrorists and hopefully clear out some of them from the B Site. Stand at the top left part of the short stairs, as shown in the image below, and align your crosshair at the bottom of the window above you, where it meets the metal structure behind it. Finally, do a left-click throw.

A Camera From B Halls

Here’s a more sneaky decoy lineup that you can throw from the B Halls area. This time, stand at the bottom left portion of the short stairs and align your crosshair in the same window as from the lineup above, but this time a little to the left, as shown in the image below. Finally, do a left-click throw.

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Those were some of the most effective decoy lineups for CS2 Train. We included a decent mix of lineups that offer the most reward while being easy to learn. However, before you try them out in a public match, make sure that you spend a couple of training sessions in a private match.


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